(Average User Score: 3 Star)

What’s Next for You

  • Based on the result after completing this questionnaire we can have a 1:1 session to discuss strategies to elevate the financial understanding of you and/or your team.

    Here is my calendly link: https://calendly.com/anandachinmay/meeting

Know Me

“I educate people in business to make more money than they spend!”

What participants has to say:

If you have this knowledge, you will have it for life. I would highly recommend Chinmay’s program to business owners, C-suite executives and budding entrepreneurs.
Louise Lucas
CEO of The Property Education Company, Australia
Chinmay’s portrayal of how money should be handled in a business is remarkable. This is a must-read to address common-sense questions on financial management.
Viney Shawney
Finance Professor, Harvard University.
One of the best sessions I have attended after a long time. It was engaging, lively, interactive and above all Chinmay made finance fun to learn.  
Co-founder, Indianstartups.com